Category: Poetry

From years ago, days ago, all over time

  • Dignity

    have you ever watched an animal?the way they do anything is sounselfconscious, visceral,clean of dignity’s a squirrelplayed in my yardand I watched,its joypure. I am told the laughter of deaf folksis pure like this. guttural joy,unrestrained, open-mouthed, dumb,for nobody to hear—a noise that is madefor its own sake.prying earslistenthough. now I am aware of… Read more

  • At a life drawing class woman in a yellow dress poses with a lamp and I sketch a poem in her likeness

    Ing of the lamp Quirkily extenuatingAt an angle to the sun—Confusional is me or even IExternal to the fingersThat extendUnder lamps and into lingers.At a lampening, how many bulbsCan change a me into an I?Underneath the yellow is A kindredness congruent. Afterwards, a man Bifocals and two bandaids and a glass of awkward wineMaking teeth and… Read more

  • A swath of solitude

    If money were no object, I would buy solitude,A swath of solitude,And decorate it to my liking. In this solitude I would rest my levity,Create my own gravity,Draw my own celestial bodies, And let myself be rearranged by their magic. With levity would be brevity—Nesting in recoveryFrom other gravities that are not my own.I would rest… Read more

  • I don’t know where to begin

    I am afraid I might grow EdenIf I plant the seed of an apple treeAnd a tulip,A few blades of grass, Worms to feast on the dirt—That my landscaping might grow so lush As to tempt the sin of mankind. I am afraid I might terraform a mountainWith the sheer weight of my gravity—Unearth dirt,Mold it to… Read more